Apr 12, 2024


Alpha Rule 1: Do Ten Reps from where it starts getting uncomfortable


  1. Can you talk to women , try asking them out for next time.
  2. Can you wake up at 9, try for 8.

3. Can you focus for straight 1 hr , try for 1 more hour after a regular session.

4. Are you uncomfortable for a situation , good take 10 more steps into it .

It’s like people saying they are lactose intolerant, I’m not a real disease if you just start taking a small amount of lactose every day you will end up having a good lactose adoption in the body.

So next time you start to think I might not be able to do it, good, that’s ur start to take 10 steps into it!




When you are into something just take a moment out, think & jot it down, that's the poetry of life worth telling!